White, puffy clouds against a bright blue sky signify happiness, love, pleasantries, and joy, while dark gray clouds mean looming danger. There are many reasons why a designer might put a cloud on a book cover. View 16 lovely examples below. To view even more examples, explore the tag “clouds” and float through our archive.
*If you’re able to provide any missing design credits, please write us at ineedabookcover.site@gmail.com.
Reenactments by Hai-Dang Phan
Designer: Alban Fischer
The Hearing Test by Eliza Barry Callahan
Designer: write us
Weather by Jenny Offill
Designer: Linda Huang
Somehow by Anne Lamott
Designer: write us
The Sociology of News by Michael Schudson
Designer: Hollis Duncan
Why We Remember by Charan Ranganath
Designer: Pete Garceau
Day by Michael Cunningham
Designer: Lucas Heinrich
How to be Perfect by Michael Schur
Designer: Michael Nagin
A Farewell to Arms by Paul Sahre
Designer: Paul Sahre
In Cold Blood by Truman Capote
Designer: Megan Wilson
O Beautiful by Jung Yun
Designer: Young Jin Lim
A Time Outside This Time by Amitava Kumar
Designer: John Gall
After Disasters by Viet Dinh
Designer: write us
Big Shadow by Marta Balcewicz
Designer: write us
Afterland by Lauren Beukes
Designer: Lauren Wakefield
The Deluge by Stephen Markley
Designer: Matt Dorfman
Finding A Professional Cover Designer for Your Cloudy Book Cover
When you’re ready to hire a book cover designer, a pro will know how to transform this ubiquitous object into a truly unique book cover. Different clouds tell different stories. What story are you trying to tell? Platforms like the “I Need A Book Cover” Job Board have made it easier for authors to match with a talented, professional designer with bestseller experience. Find your cover designer today!