Every month, thousands of books are put out into the world. To ensure a highly curated and enjoyable experience for our visitors, we carefully select about 30 covers to be uploaded to the site each month (that’s over 360 covers a year). The majority of the covers in our gallery are hand-selected by the site owner.
Submitting work to this site
AUG 2024 UPDATE: As INABC continues to grow, it has become more advantageous for designers to showcase their work on the site. To offset rising costs and maintain fairness, we now charge a $10 fee for all book cover submissions. This fee helps to fund advertising efforts, driving more traffic to the site and to the Jobs Board, benefiting both designers and the platform alike.
If you would like to see a cover added, simply fill out this form. Then, pay the $10 upload fee (per cover). You can read more about the updated Pay to Post policy here.
Your cover will be uploaded within 48 hours. If you don’t see it within 48 hours, please write us.
Maintaining and improving INABC is a costly endeavor and we appreciate anyone who chooses to support the site by utilizing this option!
Earn Free Uploads: You can earn a free upload in two different ways…
- Fill in the blanks: Send us the art credits for 5 book covers that have already been posted. Help us fill in some blanks and as a thank you, we will post a cover for you!
- Backlinks: Add a link to INABC to your own website and as a thank you, we will post a cover for you! Backlinks can be listed as a press article, feature, single link, or by displaying one of the book guys as a badge in your footer. Email us once you’ve added the backlink.
Book Parameters
AUG 2024 UPDATE: The collection is now open to non-English-language editions. However, book designs must still adhere to the parameters listed below.
- INABC specifically celebrates covers from Adult genres
- Ex: fiction, literary fiction, nonfiction, self-help, memoirs & biographies, food, poetry, fantasy, etc.).
- We do not post many covers for certain niche fantasy or sci-fi genres.
- We do not showcase Children’s Books.
- We do not showcase Graphic Novels.
- We are highly selective about posting a Young Adult book, sharing those with a cover design that straddles the adult look.
- This site focuses on trade books rather than mass-market editions.
- The covers featured are mostly from the twenty-first century.
Designer Parameters
The designers featured on this site are seasoned professionals who have devoted years, sometimes their entire career, solely to book cover design. The profile section of the site lists designers with highly established reputations who regularly design for major publishing houses in North America, Europe and Australia. Although there are tons of amazing cover designers out there, the designer listing section specifically highlights designers who are currently working for major publishers or have experience working at major publishing houses.
As of February 2024, we are not adding new designers to the site. Please sign up for our Designer newsletter (aka the Jobs Board newsletter) to learn when this freeze will be lifted.
To learn more about our Pay-to-Post model, view or download this PDF here:
By paying for a post, you are helping to cover ongoing costs such as monthly hosting fees, SEO optimization, the annual domain fee, WordPress plug-in updates, general developer maintenance costs, Pinterest Ads, and Meta Ads.